Renewable home insurances

We offer « short term » insurances and « long term » insurances according to length of the stay and/or type of lease used.
« Long term » insurances, also called « renewable », are subscribed for a 12 months period and automatically renewed by 12 months period as long as the policyholder do not ask for termination. Termination possibilities are various and modalities are written in contract.
Most of the time, the request will respect a notice period and be justified with a document.
« Long term » insurances, also called « renewable », are subscribed for a 12 months period and automatically renewed by 12 months period as long as the policyholder do not ask for termination. Termination possibilities are various and modalities are written in contract.
Most of the time, the request will respect a notice period and be justified with a document.
Each year, the policyholder receives a renewal/payment notice for the upcoming year. This invoice is sent 20 days before the end of the contract, always set on the first day month in which guarantee has begun, in order to simplify future invoicing.
For example: if the effective date of the contract is February 25th, the end of the contract will be February 1st. Inevitably, the amount of the payment (at the subscription) is ajusted prorata temporis.
Renewable insurances are offered in 2 specific cases:
When the rental is concluded for a period beyond 12 months. For example, a lease taken for 18 full months. As Insurances Code tells that policyholder and insurer have an annual faculty to end the contract, insurers have aligned the length of their contracts on 1 year and have add an automatic renewal clause.
That way, they can cover a risk on a long term while facilitating an annual termination.
When it is written « main residence » of the tenant on the lease. In this case, the chapter « length of rental » of the lease tells that renewable principle is working on a 1 year basis. Insurance contract works like the lease.